Application Confirmation - Please Read

Whilst we can confirm we have received your application, it has been placed on hold at this time.

You have identified within your application that your IVA is currently still ongoing/active and you have not finished your payments.

At this time, we are unable to onboard clients with an ongoing IVA, however – your case has been logged on our system and we will be in touch with your at the closure of your IVA to assist in preparing a case for mis-selling agains your Insolvency Company.

In the interim, it may be worthwhile for you to seek the advice of your local Citizens Advice Bureau to ascertain as to whether you could enter a Debt Relief Order (DRO) instead of continue your IVA. In many cases, a DRO provide a better and faster outcome than an IVA.

We will be in touch when this changes. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at